Introducing politicwise - the podcast where politics meets personal development

politicwise - politics meets personal development
politicwise is where politics meets personal development.
It’s for those who want to make a difference in the world out there, while working on themselves: being the change they want to see. It’s for learners, beginners, the open-minded.
I bring together an eclectic mix of political leaders, scientists and change-makers to discuss the daily challenges of political leadership and the mindsets, tools and routines to thrive in politics.
politicwise is where politics meets personal development.
It’s for those who want to make a difference in the world out there, while working on themselves: being the change they want to see. It’s for learners, beginners, the open-minded.
I bring together an eclectic mix of political leaders, scientists and change-makers to discuss the daily challenges of political leadership and the mindsets, tools and routines to thrive in politics.Listen on
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