πŸ’ƒ Find out your leadership style

πŸ’Œ Newsletter

Today, I have a little fun surprise for you - a leadership style quiz, geared to politics.

It helps you discover your dominant leadership style, how you score on the other styles and suggests next steps. It's a fun <2 min quiz (not a validated psychometric assessment) - so take it with some curiosity.

Here is the quiz - you have access as subscriber:

Discover your leadership style
Discover your leadership style. Answer 18 questions in <2 minutes.

The quiz is based on Daniel Goleman's Six Leadership Styles. It's a framework I use in my trainings & coachings to set the wheels in motion and get people reflecting about how they lead. I've also written about it here.

Feel free to forward this email to your team or friends.

Interested to hear your thoughts!

πŸŽ™οΈ My latest podcast

In last week's podcast I shared 7 approaches to focus on what matters. The irony of 7 instead of 1 approach to find focus is not lost on me. Well, the paradoxes of life... πŸ˜ƒ

But also: it's not a laundry / to-do list. I wanted to unpack what is often tangled-up in that one attempt to 'focus on what matters'.

Which of the 7 approaches resonated most with you? And what did I miss?

How to focus on what matters - 7 approaches
About the episode In this episode, I explore the topic of how to focus on what matters most. The reason it’s so difficult to answer: it’s not 1 question, it’s several questions. So, let’s break it down and peel away the layers one by one: * Where to Direct Our Attention

πŸ“š What I read & listen to

Will share a book note on this one at some point πŸ‘‡

Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion
Influence, the classic book on persuasion, explains the…

Check out my book notes. I add more every few weeks.

πŸ–‹οΈ My favourite quote

"It's not about the size of the dog in the fight. It's about the size of the fight in the dog." - Unknown